Prerequisite : Sun (Oracle) JRE or OpenJDK 8 or later.
Davmail Gateway can run in server mode as a gateway between the mail client and Exchange server through Outlook Web Access and/or EWS. In server mode Davmail can run on any Java supported platform. This mode was tested successfully with Iphone and Android phones and should work with any equipment with POP/IMAP/SMTP/LDAP/Caldav/Carddav client. In this mode many users can share the same DavMail instance.
The following documentation describes how to run DavMail as a non root user. The DavMail Debian package and DavMail RPM package include init scripts to run DavMail as a service.
Download the noinstall package for Windows or platform independent DavMail package from Sourceforge and uncompress it with your favorite tool, e.g. on Linux: unzip davmail-*.zip.
Prepare a file according to your local needs (the most current version can be found here) :
# DavMail settings, see for documentation ############################################################# # Basic settings # Server or workstation mode davmail.server=true # Exchange/Office 365 connection mode: # - O365Modern Office 365 modern authentication (Oauth2) # - O365Interactive Office 365 with interactive browser window, not available in headless mode (OpenJFX required) # - O365Manual Office 365 with interactive dialog, not available in headless mode # - O365 Office 365 EWS mode # - EWS Exchange 2007 and later # - WebDav Exchange 2007 and earliear WebDav mode # - Auto WebDav mode with EWS failover davmail.mode=EWS # base Exchange OWA or EWS url davmail.url= # optional: non-standard tenants #davmail.tld=us # login url, default, China #davmail.loginUrl= # Outlook O365 url, default, China #davmail.outlookUrl= # Listener ports davmail.caldavPort=1080 davmail.imapPort=1143 davmail.ldapPort=1389 davmail.popPort=1110 davmail.smtpPort=1025 # Optional: separate file to store Oauth tokens #davmail.oauth.tokenFilePath= # update stored refresh token after each authentication #davmail.oauth.persistToken= ############################################################# # Network settings # Network proxy settings davmail.enableProxy=false davmail.useSystemProxies=false davmail.proxyHost= davmail.proxyPort= davmail.proxyUser= davmail.proxyPassword= # proxy exclude list davmail.noProxyFor= # allow remote connection to DavMail davmail.allowRemote=true # bind server sockets to a specific address davmail.bindAddress= # client connection timeout in seconds - default 300, 0 to disable davmail.clientSoTimeout= # DavMail listeners SSL configuration davmail.ssl.keystoreType= davmail.ssl.keystoreFile= davmail.ssl.keystorePass= davmail.ssl.keyPass= # Accept specified certificate even if invalid according to trust store davmail.server.certificate.hash= # disable SSL for specified listeners davmail.ssl.nosecurecaldav=false davmail.ssl.nosecureimap=false davmail.ssl.nosecureldap=false davmail.ssl.nosecurepop=false davmail.ssl.nosecuresmtp=false # disable update check davmail.disableUpdateCheck=true # Send keepalive character during large folder and messages download davmail.enableKeepAlive=true # Message count limit on folder retrieval davmail.folderSizeLimit=0 # Default windows domain for NTLM and basic authentication davmail.defaultDomain= ############################################################# # Caldav settings # override default alarm sound davmail.caldavAlarmSound= # retrieve calendar events not older than 90 days davmail.caldavPastDelay=90 # EWS only: enable server managed meeting notifications davmail.caldavAutoSchedule=true # WebDav only: force event update to trigger ActiveSync clients update davmail.forceActiveSyncUpdate=false ############################################################# # IMAP settings # Delete messages immediately on IMAP STORE \Deleted flag davmail.imapAutoExpunge=true # To enable IDLE support, set a maximum client polling delay in minutes # Clients using IDLE should poll more frequently than this delay davmail.imapIdleDelay= # Always reply to IMAP RFC822.SIZE requests with Exchange approximate message size for performance reasons davmail.imapAlwaysApproxMsgSize= ############################################################# # POP settings # Delete messages on server after 30 days davmail.keepDelay=30 # Delete messages in server sent folder after 90 days davmail.sentKeepDelay=90 # Mark retrieved messages read on server davmail.popMarkReadOnRetr=false ############################################################# # SMTP settings # let Exchange save a copy of sent messages in Sent folder davmail.smtpSaveInSent=true ############################################################# # Loggings settings # log file path, leave empty for default path davmail.logFilePath=/var/log/davmail.log # maximum log file size, use Log4J syntax, set to 0 to use an external rotation mechanism, e.g. logrotate davmail.logFileSize=1MB # log levels log4j.logger.davmail=WARN log4j.logger.httpclient.wire=WARN log4j.logger.httpclient=WARN log4j.rootLogger=WARN ############################################################# # Workstation only settings # smartcard access settings davmail.ssl.pkcs11Config= davmail.ssl.pkcs11Library= # SSL settings for mutual authentication davmail.ssl.clientKeystoreType= davmail.ssl.clientKeystoreFile= davmail.ssl.clientKeystorePass= # disable all balloon notifications davmail.disableGuiNotifications=false # disable tray icon color switch on activity davmail.disableTrayActivitySwitch=false # disable startup balloon notifications davmail.showStartupBanner=true # enable transparent client Kerberos authentication davmail.enableKerberos=false
See Getting started for more information on the options. Make sure davmail.server is set to true (no icon tray) and allow remote connections: davmail.allowRemote=true.
To disable a listener, set an empty port value.
Launch Davmail with the following command:
nohup davmail &
Then check messages:
tail -f nohup.out
A new WinRun4J davmailservice.exe wrapper is available in the windows package. Preferred package is the standalone windows package that comes with Zulu JDK.
To register DavMail as a windows service, use:
davmailservice64 --WinRun4J:RegisterService
sc create DavMail binPath= \path\to\davmailservice64.exe type= own start= auto
If you get [err] Could not access service manager: 5 message make sure you open command line in administrator mode first and run command again. On first start service will create a default file in DavMail directory, note that this is different from user mode where is located in user home directory. Adjust this configuration to your requirements and restart DavMail.
To launch DavMail on OSX with LaunchDaemon, you may try the following user provided script:
[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>davmail</string> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/libexec/davmail/davmail</string> <string>/usr/libexec/davmail/</string> </array> </dict> </plist>
Prerequisites : Oracle JRE 8 or later or OpenJDK 8 or later and any JEE compliant web container
Davmail Gateway can now be deployed in any JEE application server using the war package. In this mode, DavMail listener threads run inside the application server and follow the web application lifecycle (start, stop, deploy, undeploy). The following items describe Tomcat deployment, details will vary according to the specific application server available.
Download the war DavMail package from Sourceforgedavmail-*.war, and deploy it inside the application server. In Tomcat, this means copy the war file to the webapps directory. If Tomcat is started and automatic deployment enabled (this is the default configuration), the package is automatically uncompressed and started.
The configuration file is then available under davmail-*/WEB-INF/classes.
Note: DavMail does not use the standard Tomcat HTTP connector and uses the same listeners in war and server modes. This means the HTTP port for Caldav url is specified in
See above and Getting started for more information on the options. Make sure davmail.server is set to true (no icon tray) and allow remote connections: davmail.allowRemote=true.