Note: you can't install DavMail directly on an iPhone, you need a separate DavMail server, see iPhone setup.
Open iPhone Settings application and choose Mail, Contacts, Calendar:
Then select Add Account...:
DavMail is not an Exchange ActiveSync server, press Other:
Choose Add Mail Account:
Enter your name, email address and password, then press Next:
Select IMAP account type:
In Incoming Mail Server section, enter your DavMail server hostname, append ':' and port if DavMail IMAP port is not 143:
In Outgoing Mail Server section, enter your DavMail server hostname, do not append port, this is not supported by current iOS version, then press Next:
Wait until your iPhone has finished verifying all possible port/protocol combination:
If you get the Cannot Connect Using SSL message, just select Yes, you will just need to adjust account settings later.
Save the account:
Back to account settings page, still need to fix SMTP port if DavMail is not listening on default port 25, open account settings:
Open Account Info:
Open SMTP page:
Choose primary server:
Adjust SMTP port:
Back to Account Info, open Advanced settings:
Back to Account Info, open Advanced settings:
Enable SSL on IMAP port:
Mail setup is complete, proceed to iPhone Carddav setup